Gateway to the Northwoods!

September 2022 Meeting Minutes

October 13, 2022

September 8, 2022

Present: Mike Galloway, Supervisor and Acting Chairman, Roy Boushon , Town Supervisor, and Jamie Soberg, Clerk/Treasurer. John Slaby, Chairman not present.

The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Galloway at 7 pm.

Checks numbered 486-487, 18887– 18909 were signed by the board.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Clerk read the minutes from the Board Meeting held in August. Motion by Galloway/Boushon to receive and place on file as read. Carried. It was noted that the newspaper did not post the No Parking Ordinance or No Snowplowing notice so Soberg will follow up with the newspaper on the issue.

Soberg read the Treasurers report for the month of August. Motion by Galloway/Boushon to receive and place on file as presented. Carried.

Galloway mentioned that the town board has decided to reconsider snowplowing driveways after being contacted by several landowners. He shared that the new contract would increase the first 30 minute charge to $75 and each additional 15 minutes would be $30. Also a $30 charge would be added with first time contracts to cover the cost of driveway assessments. There was a motion by Galloway to accept the revised snowplow contract for 2022-23 season. Seconded by Boushon. Carried. Galloway also suggested snowplow contract considerations be discussed in July.

The town board received Soberg’s resignation as clerk/treasurer and will be seeking applications to fill the position.

Public Comment – Galloway shared that Slaby had checked on the school committee bylaws about officers needing to be residents of the township and found no such qualifications.

Motion by Galloway/Boushon to adjourn. Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:32 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Jamie Soberg

Last modified: October 13, 2022

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