September 9, 2021
Present: John Slaby, Chairman, Roy Boushon and Lee Lamoreaux, Town Supervisors, and Jamie Soberg, Clerk/Treasurer.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Slaby at 7 pm.
Checks numbered 448-451, 1044-1045, 18527 – 18549 were signed by the board.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Clerk read the minutes from the Board Meeting held in August. Motion by Lamoreaux/Boushon to receive and place on file as read. Carried.
Soberg read the Treasurers report for the month of August. Motion by Boushon/Lamoreaux to receive and place on file as presented. Carried.
There was discussion on the road projects:
- First, a letter from Dave Dispensa was read by Slaby and will be filed with the minutes. Dave shared concerns about the meeting minutes on the website and the towns involvement with N LeTourneau Lake Road, a private road. There was discussion about town trucks delivering spoils to residents on the private road along with concerns of town involvement with grading and culverts. He feels the road should have been maintained by the town or resident requesting services after all the hauling was done and also to stay off the road to avoid conflicts residents have with each other. The town has the right to refuse services. Brian Stancer commented that there was no intentions of singling people out especially with the grading and that communication amongst the residents on the road could be improved. Slaby stated the town is filling the requests of the town residents; therefore, it is up to the residents on a private road to know what their road agreement is for those requests. Soberg will check on getting the website updated.
- Second, a certified letter will be mailed to the landowner on Popple Hill Road to notify them of the culvert that needs to be corrected or the town will install at their expense.
- Third, the town received a commitment letter from the state to perform work on Price Lake Road. The board agreed to collect bids for the project by the October meeting. An ad will be placed in the paper for bids.
- Fourth, Slaby stated that the town will be digging up the chip seal next year on Price Lake Road located between Reynolds Road and Hwy 70.
- Lastly, the town will be getting a couple cameras to put up in the township to monitor activity. The cost is about $150 per camera with a small monthly fee to manage them with a phone.
Rob Grigsby reported that the school roof is leaking and is in poor shape. Slaby suggested getting someone to look at it to assess what repairs need to be done and at what cost.
Boushon shared that residents have been inquiring about the Lake LeClaire landing and who maintains it. Currently the town doesn’t mow the grass for cost reasons, but it was mentioned that if someone in that area wanted to mow it, the town would work something out with them for such service.
Slaby will be attending the LRIP meeting at the Price County Courthouse on September 22, 2021. At this time, we do not know which towns will be awarded a grant.
Public Comment – None
Motion by Lamoreaux/Boushon to adjourn. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:04 pm.
Respectfully submitted by: Jamie Soberg
Last modified: October 5, 2021