- Present: John Slaby, Chairman, Roy Boushon and Mike Galloway, Town Supervisors, and Jamie Soberg, Clerk/Treasurer.
- The meeting was called to order by Chairman Slaby at 7 pm.
- Checks numbered 405, 1040, 17407 – 17435 were signed by the board.
- Recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Clerk read the minutes from the Board Meeting held in August. Motion by Galloway/Boushon to receive and place on file as read. Carried.
- Soberg read the Treasurers report for the month of August. Motion by Boushon/Galloway to receive and place on file as presented. Carried
- After doing some research, Slaby found that salt brine is what gets used for dust control. There is no law against using it, but to be careful of lowlands & waterways as to not contaminate them. Also the treated road can only be graded when the road is wet. The board does not feel this is a good option at this time so no action will be taken.
- Slaby reported that gravel crushers are behind which puts us at a disadvantage for getting nearby gravel. Granberg will be coming to Samuel’s Pit and will crush gravel for us and bill it at today’s cost. It would be ideal to get 4,000 yards of gravel and keep it stored at the shop.
- Public Comment – Dean Manecke asked if North Fork Road was on the list to be graded and Rob Grigsby confirmed that it is.
- Motion by Galloway/Boushon to adjourn. Carried.
- Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.
- Respectfully submitted by: Jamie Soberg
Last modified: October 14, 2019