Gateway to the Northwoods!

March 2019 Meeting Minutes

March 15, 2019

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  • Present:  Lee Lamoreaux, Chairman, John Slaby & Roy Boushon, Town Supervisors, & Jamie Soberg, Clerk/Treasurer.
  • The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lamoreaux at 7 pm.
  • Checks numbered 393 & 17218-17255 were signed by the board.
  • The Clerk read the minutes from the Board Meeting held in February.  Motion by Slaby, second by Boushon to receive and place on file. Motion carried.
  • Soberg read the Treasurer’s report for the month of February.  Motion by Boushon, second by Slaby to receive and place on file as presented.  Motion carried.
  • The Board approved a weight limit permit for JB Disposal for the Spring 2019.
  • Slaby reported that the Ambulance Board of Directors has approved the Town of Flambeau to be a full member and will be listed in the Articles of Incorporation with a one time fee of $1,960.  The Town of Flambeau is helping to purchase the new building and in the event that the ambulance service would get sold to a private buyer, this will allow us to see a return on the investment.
  • Slaby shared that the Town of Flambeau has enrolled with the U.S. Communities, a government agency that goes to suppliers and negotiates prices on parts for communities that are tax payer based.  They do reserve the right to audit anything that is purchased on the program as a checks and balance.
  • An update on the snow removal and equipment maintenance was given by Slaby.  He reported these expenses:  truck tire blew hauling sand $1871, valve stems torn on truck while plowing driveway $500, truck needing exhaust, brakes and DOT inspection $3700, tow strap broke while assisting driveway $500, repaired 6 wheel drive on grader $2700, tore grader tire on deck while plowing driveway resulting in getting 2 used tires to get us back on road temporarily $825, looking to get radials estimating $4000, injection pump repaired on loader $4625.
  • There was discussion about replacing the coolers on the grader.  Slaby made a motion to have McCoy pick up the grader and repair the coolers at an estimated cost of $8768 to be paid from the equipment replacement fund.  Second by Boushon. Motion carried.
  • Lamoreaux provided an update on the funding request for Price Lake Road.  He shared a letter received by Chris Bender stating that funding of $90,000 was approved for fiscal year 2020 contingent on the state budget. The project may not be started until the town receives an official letter from the department and a call from Bender.  No commitments or contracts to be signed until letter is received.  The board signed a resolution for this Price Lake Road Rennovation.
  • A discussion by Weik and the board took place about open meetings.  A meeting is a gathering of board members with the purpose of taking action on a subject.  Open meetings are posted.
  • Public Comment:  Gasser would like copies of Treasurer’s report provided at meetings.
  • Aubuchon is concerned that website emails aren’t working and where are they going.  He was reassured  that the website is secure and the clerk will followup with website administrator.  He also stated that Gasser, Weik, and himself had a share in getting the Price Lake Road grant.
  • Weik provided a copy of the budget from April 2017 annual meeting as requested so appropriate corrections can be made.
  • Gasser asked if the town will level off the pile of dirt he wanted on his property from ditching on Price Lake Rd.  The town agreed that it will.  He also asked if the town isn’t plowing driveways anymore.  Slaby noted that the town is currently plowing driveways and makes a decision each year to continue the service.  The board can refuse some driveways based on conditions.
  • Aubuchon asked about road postings for the spring breakup.  Lamoreaux stated that we will post roads once the county announces it.
  • Motion by Slaby, second by Boushon to adjourn.  Carried.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm.
  • Respectfully submitted by:  Jamie Soberg

Last modified: May 4, 2019

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