June 10, 2021
Present: John Slaby, Chairman, Roy Boushon and Lee Lamoreaux, Town Supervisors, and Jamie Soberg, Clerk/Treasurer.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Slaby at 7 pm.
Checks numbered 440-441, 18438 – 18464 were signed by the board.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Clerk read the minutes from the Board Meeting held in May. Motion by Lamoreaux/Boushon to receive and place on file as read with correction of supervisor name. Carried.
Soberg read the Treasurers report for the month of May. Motion by Boushon/Lamoreaux to receive and place on file as presented. Carried.
The board reviewed an updated price list for the recycling center. Motion by Lamoreaux/Boushon to approve the list of fees presented. Carried. The updated prices to take affect June 19. Kathy Adam will help out for a couple weeks at the recycling center to inform residents of changes.
The board members reviewed their findings from the annual road survey they each did over the last month.
Motion by Lamoreaux/Boushon to renew liquor licenses for 9 Mile Tavern, Boyd’s Resort, Crane Chase Tavern, and Goebel’s South Fork. Carried.
Motion by Lamoreaux/Boushon to accept the contract for Mike Schnautz to continue as our assessor for the next 3 years. Carried.
Slaby shared an update on equipment. The valves were tensioned on the grader; however McCoy found that the right tandem pivot joint seal is leaking. The cost is estimated at $4,800 and will take about 3 days to complete. The packer for the grader has arrived, but the wrong hitch was sent. This has been resolved and the correct one will be on its way soon.
There was dicussion about meeting with the school committee to talk about the possibilities of using the school for the town hall. Slaby will work to coordinate a time between the town board and the school committee officers. Soberg to post notice once date has been set.
Public Comment – None
Motion by Lamoreaux/Boushon to adjourn. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:26 pm.
Respectfully submitted by: Jamie Soberg
Last modified: October 5, 2021