Gateway to the Northwoods!

July 2021 Meeting Minutes

August 14, 2021

July 8, 2021

Present: John Slaby, Chairman, Roy Boushon and Lee Lamoreaux, Town Supervisors, and Jamie Soberg, Clerk/Treasurer.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Slaby at 7 pm.

Checks numbered 442-444, 18465 – 18495 were signed by the board.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Clerk read the minutes from the Board Meeting held in June. Motion by Lamoreaux/Boushon to receive and place on file as read. Carried.

Soberg read the Treasurers report for the month of June. Motion by Lamoreaux/Boushon to receive and place on file as presented. Carried.

Soberg mentioned the first distribution of the ARPA Local Fiscal Recovery Funds was deposited into the checking account on June 25, 2021 in the amount of $24,911.12 and the second distribution of $24,911.12 will be received in the summer 2022. Motion by Slaby to set up funds into a separate bank account for better tracking unless the WTA advises otherwise. Seconded by Boushon. Carried.

There was discussion on road projects. First, there was a motion by Lamoreaux/Boushon to get bids for a 20′ by 20′ pad to put sand on in the winter for weekend emergencies. Carried. Secondly, gravel is needed on a portion of River Road, which was completed in June. Third, there was discussion about getting bids for seal coating South Fork Road and Lake Road with the TRIP grant the town received. Rob Grigsby also shared that the new packer for the grader has been working great. The roads have less dust, smoother, and hold up better.

Slaby shared that he received two separate phone calls. One asking that the town delay mowing of the right-of-way on Deer Creek until after the monarchs leave while a second call came in with concern of almost hitting a fawn due to the tall grass on the roadside. Since the mowing can’t be done twice, it either needs to be mowed now or not at all. The town board believes safety of drivers is more important so the schedule will remain to mow the right-of-ways.

There was discussion on the right-of-way of Popple Hill Road on Jeannie Felix’s land. Slaby received a call from Felix asking if the town would consider negotiating and not go the full right-of-way amount so her fence wouldn’t have to be moved as far. The town board decided it will keep to the 33 feet(4 rod road).

Public Comment – Rob Grigsby shared that Popple Hill and Camp 5 roads are still showing evidence of damage especially to some ditches.

Therese Trojak commented that the ball field is looking nice and wanted to know if they could advertise to play ball there. Rob Grigsby also shared that there has been interest in starting leagues.

Motion by Lamoreaux/Boushon to adjourn. Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Jamie Soberg

Last modified: October 5, 2021

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