- Present: John Slaby, Chairman, Roy Boushon and Mike Galloway, Town Supervisors, and Jamie Soberg, Clerk/Treasurer.
- The meeting was called to order by Chairman Slaby at 7 pm.
- Checks numbered 402-403, 17349 – 17378 were signed by the board.
- Bids were opened for Sealcoat Projects on River Road and Boyd’s Road. Scott Construction bid for River Road $41,418, double seal parts at 15% price $6,212, 20% price $8,283. Single seal Boyd’s Road with double over gravel $38,778. Scott Sturgeon was present. Motion by Slaby/Galloway to accept Scott’s bid. Carried.
- Bids were opened for Price Lake Road Project. Damrow Excavating bid for $154,324.50, Janak & Sons LLC bid was given in time and material costs. Ryan and Brent Janak attended the meeting to address any questions with their bid. After much discussion and comparison, a motion was made by Galloway to accept Janak & Sons LLC bid and second by Boushon. Carried.
- Clerk read the minutes from the Board Meeting held in June. Motion by Boushon/Galloway to receive and place on file as read. Carried.
- Soberg read the Treasurers report for the month of June. Motion by Galloway/Boushon to receive and place on file as presented. Carried.
- The board discussed that there will be spoils from the Price Lake Road Project and to ask people if they would be interested in taking some.
- Slaby gave an update on Loop Road.
- Galloway presented information on the options of adding a new town hall onto the town garage versus upgrading the current town hall. Motion by Slaby/Boushon to pursue gathering estimates for adding onto the town garage.
- Public Comment – None
- Motion by Boushon/Galloway to adjourn. Carried.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:49 pm.
- Respectfully submitted by: Jamie Soberg
Last modified: August 27, 2019