April 2019 Meeting Minutes
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- Present: Lee Lamoreaux, Chairman, John Slaby & Roy Boushon, Town Supervisors, & Jamie Soberg, Clerk/Treasurer.
- The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lamoreaux at 7 pm.
- Checks numbered 394-395 & 17213-17288 were signed by the board.
- The Clerk read the minutes from the Board Meeting held in March. Motion by Boushon, second by Slaby to receive and place on file. Motion carried.
- Soberg read the Treasurer’s report for the month of March. Motion by Slaby, second by Boushon to receive and place on file as presented. Motion carried.
- Revised 2017 Annual Meeting Financial Report was presented.
- Slaby provided an update on equipment repair. Since the grader is at McCoy, there is opportunity to have the panels of the grader powder coated, fenders installed, and a 4000 hour scheduled maintenance performed. A motion by Slaby to do all the repairs per McCoy’s estimate. Second by Boushon. Carried.
- Public Comment: Soberg commented that the website is coming along. The administrator assures the town that website is secure from the beginning including the emails. We are looking to get a link for the town website added to the county’s website. Also there are plans to have the clerk trained to edit the site in May.
- Soberg noted that the county is looking to get new voting machines for next year. More info to come this summer.
- Motion by Slaby/Boushon to adjourn. Carried.
- Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.
- Respectfully submitted by: Jamie Soberg